08 November 2007

Any Way You Want Me (Lucy Diamond)

ANY WAY YOU WANT ME, a novel by Lucy Diamond (PAN) TO SUM UP: A wry, funny and curl-your-toes-in-delighted-shock story with a fresh view of the ‘bored housewife has an affair’ cliché. WHY IT’S BETTER THAN YOUR AVERAGE CHICK LIT: Sadie, the yummy mummy, has the cheek/guts/lunacy to do something we’ve all wanted to: pretend we’re more successful, more important and infinitely cooler than we are. THE LINE THAT’LL MAKE YOU NOD IN AGREEMENT: “We discussed for hours how gorgeous we were, and how great our lives were going to be, and made idyllic roses-round-the-door plans for our wonderful, romantic future. How come then, we’d ended up like this?”


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